9th and 16th of April, 2022
Online idea lab to find solutions that reduce mental health disorders for 9 million Europeans between 10 and 19 years old.
Registration is closedRegistration closed on 3rd of April (24.00 GMT+2).
UNLEASH HACKS Mental Health Europe is an idea lab that happens online between 9th and 16th. The idea lab is hosted by UNLEASH which has been recognized as one of the world's most influential sustainability brands due to its impact as a global innovation lab for the SDGs.
During the idea lab we will work together to find solutions for nine million Europeans aged between 10 and 19 that are living with mental health disorders. Anxiety and depression make up half of the cases. From the age of 15 to 19, this affects 16 to 19% of EU citizens. Mental health disorders are still highly stigmatized. The hack also focuses on solving the mental burden arising from climate change, the Covid-19 pandemic, and Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
A report from UNICEF states that there are 5 key priority interventions for European institutions and national governments that could reduce the problems with anxiety and other mental health disorders among European youth. We strive to address these interventions and also target the Sustainable Development Goals 3, 4 and 11.
First step is to submit an application to participate as a talent. Organizers divide talents into teams with diverse expertise. All teams receive a trained facilitator to guide them through the innovation process during the lab days. Teams are expected to advance their ideas in between the two lab days by reaching out to relevant community members. At the end of the idea lab, each team will deliver a 3-minute pitch.
Submit your application to participate in the idea lab as a talent.
Registration for applications to participate in the idea lab closes strictly at 24.00 (GMT+2).
Everyone that has submitted their application receives an email with the final decision for the idea lab - if they are enrolled or not.
All applicants have been informed about our decision via email. Please check your spam folder.
From 17.00 to 18.00 (GMT+2). Never worked in Miro? Organizers offer a guided tour in Miro over Zoom to get you started. After the guided tour we will answer all questions participants might have about the lab days and the overall program.
From 09.00 to 18.00 (GMT+2). Teams will dig into problem framing and idea generation.
From 18.00 to 20.00 (GMT+2). Optional meeting for the teams to ask questions and to receive feedback from organizers and experts.
From 09.00 to 17.00 (GMT+2). Teams will dig into concept development and prototyping.
From 17.00 to 20.00 (GMT+2). All teams do a 3-minute pitch for the jury.
Winning teams enter UNLEASH Plus which is a 6-month accelerator program co-hosted by Chemonics International.
We refer to UNLEASH Hacks Mental Health Europe as an idea lab or hackathon (also known as a hack day) which can be compared to a fast-paced workshop. The word hackathon is a combination of "hack" and "marathon". Originally it is a marathon for computer hackers and programmers that work together in teams to create functioning software or hardware by the end of the event. An idea lab or hack in the context of UNLEASH Hacks Mental Health Europe means running a fast-paced innovation process with a given timeframe to innovate both technical and non technical solutions, such as social innovations to solve United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Any kind of ideas can evolve from the UNLEASH Hacks.
Everyone between 20 and 35 years old.
We accept applicants from all around the world.
No prior experience or special skills are needed.
Interior designers Legislators Social workers Wellness specialists Teachers Researchers Service designers Tech geeks Public policy experts Psychologists Neuroscientists Data scientists Non-formal educators Community enthusiasts Cultural workers Artists Architects Mindfulness coaches Cognitive scientists Environmentalists Engineers School staff VR/AG programmers Journalists
Don't you fit in? Submit your application anyway!
As a principle, we are looking for a diverse pool of participants that come from different countries in Europe, socio-economic backgrounds, and bring a variety of skills and expertise relevant to the UNLEASH Hacks.
UNLEASH believes everyone can bring something of value to solve the SDGs.
There is no cost for participation. Also, we will not ask for any donations from participants.
First step is to apply as a talent to participate in the idea lab. The organizers divide all talents that are accepted for the idea lab into teams. Each team consist of 3 to 6 team members of diverse background and expertise.
The idea lab takes place on 9th and 16th of April. Teams are expected to advance their ideas in between the two lab days by reaching out to relevant community members.
Each team receives a trained facilitator that guide them through the UNLEASH innovation process. Notice that talents will not attend the idea lab with an already existing idea, at UNLEASH we trust the innovation process and generate new ideas and solutions during the lab days. Experts from different industries will be available so the teams can get their questions answered and receive feedback on their solutions.
At the end of the idea lab, each team will deliver a 3-minute pitch for a jury. The most promising solutions are rewarded with the 6-month accelerator program UNLEASH Plus which is co-hosted by Chemonics International.
The winning teams are rewarded with the 6-month accelerator program UNLEASH Plus which is co-hosted by Chemonics International. Note that there is no financial price.
The accelerator support teams with an early prototype to become an impactful organization through mentorship, develop strategy, build a solid team, set a financial plan, and learn how to measure the impact. At the end of the program teams can pitch for investors and partners to accelerate their ventures for large-scale impact.
Everyone that participates in the idea lab is invited to become a member of the UNLEASH community which offer professional development, job opportunities around the world, and a huge professional network of more than 4000 talents.
Yes, participants can receive a certificate upon request.
Yes, you can sign up as a team.
Please note that you must be between 3 and 6 team members and each team member must be between 20 and 35 years of age.
Each team member must apply as a talent and submit one application each. In the application there is an optional field where you should mention your team's name. All of your team members must write the same team name so the organizing team can put you together as a team.
The idea lab is primarily focused on building up ideas and concepts from scratch - so you are invited to leave all existing ideas of your team behind if you already have one.
Yes you can. Please state in your application why you consider taking part in the idea lab even if you are not from the European continent.
Yes, participants should attend the full idea lab program. A minimum requirement is attending the two lab days. We also encourage participants to spend time between the lab days to work on their solutions but this is optional. If there is an urgent need to leave the idea lab for a limited time during the lab days, this can be managed in the most cases. You won’t need to miss coffee and cake when visiting grandparents!
Any generated idea belongs to the teams that worked on them. However, we believe in open source and follow a philosophy of “Sharing is Caring” and ideas will be in an early stage, so pitching them will allow others to build on them, or showing interest in collaborating with the team!
UNLEASH Hacks are a 2-day remote format that invites up to around 150 talents, while UNLEASH Innovation Lab is a more intense onsite program that gathers 1000 talents every year.
In line with this, generated insights and ideas in hacks are rougher. Also, the hacks are more focused on local problems in the countries or regions they are meant for.
You are very welcome to apply for UNLEASH Innovation Lab in India after taking part in one of our UNLEASH Hacks.
Note that you are welcome to apply for any event or program that UNLEASH offers.
Talents participating in the idea lab should commit themselves to spend two full Saturdays (~8 hrs each) plus some preparation and afterwork time (~2 hours).
We also encourage everyone to spend some time between the two lab days to work on their solutions and to reach out to their local community members to verify their ideas and insights for their solution concept.
Experts are available during the lab days and are also expected to attend the Expert Consultation on 14th of April.
The UNLEASH Hacks are fully remote.
If you sign up as a team, you are invited to meet in person but we will still use the digital whiteboards that we provide to work on.
Organizations are invited to send representatives to participate as talents, experts or jury. Please reach out to the organizers if you are interested in an official partnership.
The idea lab is primarily organized by two of the European UNLEASH Ambassadors, Robin Liendeborg and Kilian Karg, coming from Sweden and Germany.
The idea lab is initiated, organized, and executed by various stakeholders. The UNLEASH infrastructure is primarily financed by public-private partnerships, philanthropic donors, and a high amount of personal voluntary work.
Everyone interested in the idea lab must first submit an application as a talent.
The organizers evaluate all applications and select talents for the idea lab based on certain criteria. Selected talents are notified and then divided into a diversified team with talents of different background and skills.
Each team consist of minimum 3 and maximum 6 talents, ideally we aim for 5 talents per team.
The organisers do their best to build teams that are as diverse as possible because UNLEASH believes that diversity in skills and background are necessary to unleash the most impactful creative spirit in innovation.
Each team gets to present their solution with a 3-minute pitch for the jury. Organizing team will strictly cut you off exactly when 3 minutes have passed so all teams get to pitch for the jury on equal terms.
Judges primarily look at four different areas when they judge solutions.
Notice that social innovations and tech innovations are considered equivalent when the jury makes the decision.
During the idea lab all teams will identify their own problem framing and solutions. Below are only examples presented to get your creative thinking started.
Our trained facilitators will guide the teams through the UNLEASH innovation process so they are ready to pitch their solutions on the SDGs on 16th of April.
Co-Founder of Project Together and Lead Ways of Working Specialist at Grundfos. Expert in organisational development and non-violent communication.
Psychologist in training with passion for positive psychology and service design. Leading an Improvisation Theatre in Linköping.
Associate Development Coordination Officer focused on Evaluation and Results reporting at United Nations.
Innovation analyst at CNPEM, startup mentor at PIPE FAPESP, and judge of MIT Inclusive Innovation Challenge.
Project Director for Leadership, Management and CSR at Cegos. Focused on human capital empowerment and team coaching.
Senior Data Scientist and Consultant at BASE Life Science, operationalizing AI and Big Data solutions in Healthcare and Pharma.
Co-founder of ENTELECHY - a Danish Non-Formal Education consultancy.
Freelance Data Scientist & UX Researcher. Passionate about mixed methods, story and data for collective problem-solving.
UX Designer and User Researcher with Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. Passionate about education and instructional design.
Culture and Engagement Manager at SOS International. Specialist in workplace wellness and advocate for suicide prevention.
Assurance Associate at Ernst & Young. Thought leader in personal safety. Empowered 1500+ changemakers across India working towards SDGs Zero Hunger and Quality Education.
We have gathered a team of experts to answer your questions and to give input on your ideas during the idea lab.
Clinical Psychologist and transpersonal psychotherapist focused on holistic therapy. Co-founder at Well-being LAB - a Swedish NGO providing workshops and training in wellbeing.
Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Founder of Partner Psychiatrie - an e-Health startup developing tailored solutions for hospitals, doctors and groups of patients.
Head of Research at Friends - a Swedish foundation that works research-based and with prevention of bullying among youth.
Sustainability and Impact Project Manager at Katalista Ventures - the go-to accelerator and advisory globally for organisations aiming to have a positive impact on People, Planet, and Profit.
Sustainability management consultant and Co-founder of TAM e.V - a nonprofit for a Global South-North partnership with focus on education, empowerment and arts.
PhD student in Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapist qualified by COSCA - a Counseling and Psychotherapy in Scotland. Passionate about creating inclusive, intersectional, and affirmative therapy spaces.
Serial Entrepreneur and founder of Dyno Robotics - a developer of all kind of robots, Around The Corner - a developer of Metaverses since before it was cool, and Fork Academy - a nonprofit and network for gifted children. Serving as Chair of Makers of Sweden
Founder of PersEd - a consultancy for learning experience design for the 21st century. Explorer of learning, neuroeducation, creativity and interdisciplinarity.
Co-founder and COO of Worldish - a company breaking language barriers in healthcare. Passionate about community building and leveraging technology to solve inequalities in society.
Co-founder and CEO of Worldish - a company breaking language barriers in healthcare. Passionate about music, social innovation and entrepreneurship.
Serial Social Entrepreneur and Interaction Designer graduated from the World's Best Design School.
RCI registered clinical Psychologist and Nature Enthusiast. Providing therapy sessions conducted online and in natural environments. Experience of clinical work ranging from personality disorder, anxiety spectrum and depression.
We are an international team making this idea lab possible.
Lead Organiser
UNLEASH Ambassador
Senior UX Designer at Forefront Consulting, and Strategic Advisor for Community Strategy Group at ChangemakerXChange.
Lead Organiser
UNLEASH Ambassador
Psychologist and agile expert on global sustainable development. Consultant at B.A.U.M. Co-founder of Protellus - a sustainable innovation consultancy
Project Manager for HEIDI project at Erasmus+, Financial Coordinator for Lecturers Without Borders. Part of organizing team for UNLEASH Innovation Lab 2019 in China.
Biomedical Engineer and Innovation Project Leader in Diagnostics at Rigshospitalet - the world's 15th best hospital. Professional Game Designer.
By participating in UNLEASH Hacks or an UNLEASH Innovation Lab you become a member of the UNLEASH Community.
Our community members are working hard to solve the SDGs, please get inspired by reading the latest community news. As a member you can find job opportunities, be invited to UNLEASH events, and connect with a professional network of more than 4000 talents from every country in the world at the UNLEASH Community platform
The UNLEASH Hacks are localized innovation processes addressing sustainability challenges in specific contexts. With the UNLEASH community and methodology as a foundation, they can be highly adapted to local needs. Through a collaborative 2-day event, organized by UNLEASH Alumni, passionate talents work with local stakeholders and community leaders to collectively solve problems and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Learn more here.
The UNLEASH Innovation Labs are annual events taking place in a new country each year. The program usually selects 1,000 young people from around the world for a week-long innovation process and cultural experience, where they collaborate on solutions that address the SDGs.
In 2022, UNLEASH Innovation Lab will take place in Karnataka (India) and a regional Innovation Lab will take place in Nuuk (Greenland).
Winning teams at UNLEASH Innovation Lab and UNLEASH Hacks enter the UNLEASH Plus program.
UNLEASH Plus is a global 6-month incubation program for entrepreneurs working on social or environmental challenges, in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The program provides teams with the right skills, mindsets, and resources to test and launch their solutions, and design them for large-scale impact.
Co-hosted with Chemonics International, the program supports teams with an early prototype to become an impactful organization, and enables them to create an effective strategy, build a solid team, develop clear financials towards fundraising, measure their impact, and start reaching their users. Participants access applicable learning materials, join interactive workshops, and receive direct support from world-class experts. Facilitated connections to investors and partners are made throughout the program to accelerate teams’ intended positive impact.